Progenitor of the Bashful Bumhole
Being pooed on apparently signifies respect and reverence and prestige unparalleled! Or so I hear. I’m in San Francisco. I’m meeting my delightful wee nephew Caleb for the first time ever. Two days ago we had his 2nd birthday party. Four days ago he’d had no idea of even my existence I don’t think, and upon my appearance in his house, he recoiled and he skulked and he squirmed. This is honestly not that unreasonable a reaction, for I’d been spectacularly jetlagged. My eyes were so bloodshot that I’d forgive Potterversers for mistaking me for a particularly crap Voldemort cosplay.
But Caleb soon warmed. Within the day he was smiling and waving, fist-bumping, demanding tummy-tickles, demanding pushes in his multiple toy cars, demanding pushes on his tricycle birthday present; he’s quite an obstinate little madarm! Soon he was happily sitting on my knee whilst I worked on my computer, and he and I watched adorable-animal videos.
Yesterday, though, something felt off. Literally. He was sitting on my knee and shrieking with laughter at Youtube’s latest kitten-y shenanigans, when I sensed a squidgy little something happen between thigh and bum. I hit Pause and carried him rather gingerly to his nearest parent, his mum and/or mom Jenni, figuring that I’d surely need to learn how to change nappies and/or diapers eventually, though perhaps at a time of my choosing and not his.
She appeared visibly surprised, though at the time I didn’t ask why. Last night she informed me. As you might imagine, the parents and/or guardians of nappy users soak up every last little detail and nuance of the users’ daily poo schedules bloody fast. Jenni told me that Caleb apparently despises pooing before an audience, and always seeks out the nearest solitary corner before letting rip. Bashful bumhole? Jenni had had zero problem with this, all was well, but had figured this habit would be permanent.
Until now. Colour me astonished! And honoured! Apparently this is a sign that Caleb trusts me implicitly, and in my presence has now become utterly at ease. He’ll poo at his leisure. Jenni also assures me that his hourly projectile vomiting is an honour greater still.
PS For a little while I’d honestly felt rather chuffed that I’d discovered that “bashful bumhole” was apparently a Thing for toddlers … until I googled it.
Zero results! Turns out I’ve invented it!
PPS Googling “bashful butthole” returns four results but they’re all porn.
PPPS Google also saw fit to include a fifth result, but for “shy ass”.