I hate to say this, but ... the reason these men are so on their guard is because a large proportion of women on these apps actually are bots.
Yes, it's horrifically unfair on actual real flesh-and-blood women like you. Yes, it must irk and irritate you to no end to receive request after request for further selfies. Anyone and everyone can sympathise with that.
But ... we're all watching you say to yourself "well if I throw a big enough tantrum, all this nasty reality will go away." The final two thirds of this article is strawman after strawman, misrepresenting these men engaging with you, putting words in their mouths, clutching at any excuse you can to avoid trying to understand why they behave as they do. It's dishonest and disingenuous, and we're all watching you clutch at any straw you can to hide from acknowledging that.
Any equally smart, savvy, capable man with a modicum of good sense is going to take one look at your behaviour here and avoid you like the plague. We're all watching you choose to act like a twelve year old boy, throwing a tantrum because he was turned down for a date. How can you ask any adult to respect your frustrations when we're all witnessing you shout from every rooftop that you don't?
I wouldn't dream of telling you to stop, though. It's a fantastic way of also separating the smart, savvy, capable women from the brats. Most adults have witnessed this kind of thing a million times. The skilled, savvy people decide they won't waste their time. The only people who engage are the idiots and cowards and misogynists, so that's only what less-savvy women ever see, so they think the whole world is like that. Show me a woman who claims "omg the whole world is misogynistic" and I'll show you someone who actively repels competent people. They chat with me instead. Great fun.
Yes I realise that by choosing to engage with someone I'm labelling bratty and unskilled, I'm choosing to be bratty and hypocritical myself. Yeah. What the hell. You can have a go at me for that if you like.
But it's honestly up to you. It's your life. If you want to go around actively repelling the competent, savvy people, be my guest. We're all watching you repel the competent and attracting the incompetent. Go nuts.
And ... by the time I've written this far, the relayed annoyance I'm feeling from reading your post has kind of blown itself out. Mellowness and tranquility has returned. But what the hell. Might as well post this. In for a penny, in for a pound, eh? If you'd like to boomerang back my relayed stroppiness, be my guest.