'Fraid so. Every group has its numpties. It's general human nature. Some men are bitter brats; some women are bitter brats; some people are bitter brats. When I was a teenager, part of me got really sour at the idea that it's apparently always the man supposed to approach the woman and never the other way round. But when I reached about ... 20, I'd say, I'd got enough experience to realise that this has a ton of side effects. At some point in our lives we all discover that not everyone is attracted to us, and we make our peace with that in a million ways, some healthier than others. This men-approach-women societal requirement means men are confronted with it, on average, (my guesstimate) several years earlier than women.
As you've found, and as we all discover, there's a certain chunk of women who genuinely either never accept it, or, worse, are never actually confronted with it. They go through life with this huge gap in their psyches.
These quote-unquote "women" you'd met are acting like twelve-year-old boys. They're distraught at their sexual world not revolving around them. How dare they be required to do actual work to earn the attraction of the people they're after, right? It's honestly a bit embarrassing to watch. My female friends either shake their heads and avoid such women, or openly laugh in their faces.
This kind of brattiness leaks out in a million other ways. It's usually the same kind of women complaining about "the man drought", or "where are all the good men? They're so hard to find these days!"
Any adult can answer that. The good men are with the good women. And they're not with these women. (Men do this just as much, by the way, I don't consider this (much) a gendered thing, it's just the OP brought up women first, so, y'know, women).
We're all mirrors, right? We all reflect each others' behaviours at each other. Our best behaviours cultivate and induce the best behaviour from our neighbours. And our worst induce their worst. These women are their own worst enemies. Chances are they'll go through life desperately trying to avoid admitting this to themselves, and put themselves through years and decades of totally pointless and preventable pain and frustration. And if they just wommaned-up and took some responsibility and emulated the men they claimed they’re after, they could avoid the lot and finally be happy. Ignorance ain’t bliss.