Doesn’t everyone ejaculate raw gumbo?
Tiffany asks
What to add to my gumbo to make it a little spicier?
My answer
That book … hint hint, eh? Though … I’m puzzled, my dude. What’s the point of adding even more gentleman-goop to a dish that’s obviously already 100% gentleman-goop? Doesn’t everyone ejaculate raw gumbo? Or have you too taken that horrid recent trend of bleaching already perfectly-serviceable bumholes to such insane extremes that you feel you have to bleach your gentleman-goop too? Don’t kids these days have *any* pride in retaining their au naturelle goop colour? Way to make a bloke feel old, man! #unbleachedgumbosemenpride!
OOC: dear god, I’ve finally grossed-out even myself with this one.