Couldn't have put it better myself. We're all mirrors. Life reflects back at us the efforts we throw at it. For years I'd heard about this thing called "karma", encountered some really supernatural-ish, woo-y, nonsensical descriptions of it, assumed it was 100% bullshit instead of 90% bullshit, completely disregarded it ...
... But ...
... Honestly, in recent years, although I still disregard the supernatural bits, the idea of karma as a metaphor for how we all live our lives is something I've since come to embrace. Karma as a metaphor is awesome. Us men have no business demanding high standards from the ladies if we're not prepared to lead by example. Let's absolutely be the men these women look at and say ".... oh wow, okay, he is amazing, I would happily date him. He ticks my boxes, he floats my boat, around him I go all trembly." Let's earn these women. Put in the hard work, the hours, the effort, the competence, the skill, the expertise, the results.