Okay, so this may make me look like the biggest oaf in the world, but what the hell. Just recently I’ve fallen in love with brie. Not the actress. The cheese. It’s divine. I’ve been munching my way through the ~$3 entry-level hockey pucks supermarkets love to tart up and flog off in their millions. Yum yum yum.
On a whim, I found myself wandering through my supermarket’s gourmet cheese section, wondered how expensive brie can get … and oh dear god the dearer stuff is over $20. For cheese.
Then I facepalmed. Oaf time. Duh. Me and my bogan caveman ways. Obviously quality costs. Obviously you get what you pay for. But do you retain similar bang for your buck? Only one way to find out, baby. Operating on morbid curiosity, I purchased some $20 brie.
And then couldn’t eat more than five bites. For it is ethereally, divinely, celestially satisfying. It is succulent, it is sumptuous. It hits that satisfaction sweet spot in a way the $3 hockey pucks never could.